The prisoner came forward directly.
"You will naturally be anxious to hear of the witness, Miss Manette. She will do very well. You have seen the worst of her agitation."
"I am deeply sorry to have been the cause of it. Could you tell her so for me, with my fervent acknowledgments?"
"Yes, I could. I will, if you ask it."
Mr. Carton's manner was so careless as to be almost insolent. He stood, half turned from the prisoner, lounging with his elbow against the bar.
"I do ask it. Accept my cordial thanks."
"What," said Carton, still only half turned towards him, "do you expect, Mr. Darnay?"
"The worst."
"It's the wisest thing to expect, and the likeliest. But I think their withdrawing is in your favour."
Loitering on the way out of court not being allowed, Jerry heard no more: but left them--so like each other in feature, so unlike each other in manner--standing side by side, both reflected in the glass above them.