"Jane Eyre"
by Charlotte Bronte

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     "Pity!" he said, and sighed and paused. "It is always the way of events in this life," he continued presently: "no sooner have you got settled in a pleasant resting-place, than a voice calls out to you to rise and move on, for the hour of repose is expired."

     "Must I move on, sir?" I asked. "Must I leave Thornfield?"

     "I believe you must, Jane. I am sorry, Janet, but I believe indeed you must."

     This was a blow: but I did not let it prostrate me.


     "Well, sir, I shall be ready when the order to march comes."

     "It is come now--I must give it to-night."

     "Then you are going to be married, sir?"

     "Ex-act-ly--pre-cise-ly: with your usual acuteness, you have hit the nail straight on the head."

     "Soon, sir?"

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