"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
by Mark Twain

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     "THIRTY-SEVEN YEAR--and he come out in China. THAT'S the kind. I wish the bottom of THIS fortress was solid rock."

     "JIM don't know nobody in China."

     "What's THAT got to do with it? Neither did that other fellow. But you're always a-wandering off on a side issue. Why can't you stick to the main point?"


     "All right--I don't care where he comes out, so he COMES out; and Jim don't, either, I reckon. But there's one thing, anyway--Jim's too old to be dug out with a case-knife. He won't last."

     "Yes he will LAST, too. You don't reckon it's going to take thirty-seven years to dig out through a DIRT foundation, do you?"

     "How long will it take, Tom?"

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Audio by LiteralSystems and performed by Marc Devine through the generous support of Gordon W. Draper.
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